Highlights of the Final Nutrition Facts Label
1. Features a Refreshed Design
- The type size will be larger for Calories, Servings per container and Serving size, and the number of calories will be in bold.
- Manufacturers must declare the actual amount, in addition to percent Daily Value of vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium.
- “Added sugars,” in grams and as percent Daily Value, will be included on the label. Scientific data has shown an increasing link between added sugar and heart disease.
- While continuing to require “Total Fat,” “Saturated Fat,” and “Trans Fat” on the label, “Calories from Fat” is being removed.
- By law, serving sizes must be based on amounts of foods and beverages that people are actually eating, not what they should be eating.
- The servings sizes listed on most products will increase to more accurately reflect how much people are eating in one serving. This will help consumers avoid confusion when eating what they expected was one serving, but was actually 2.